

1st place

1500 points


Challenge Value Time
The Duplicator 100
Hex Magic 50
Patchme 100
Syscall Assembled 25
Debunked 50
The Elves Magic 50
Datasheetz 50
Squashed 100
Wept 25
Reversible 50
Variability 100
Embedded API 150
Fuzz for The Flag 100
Find the Baud to Find the Flag 100
XOR the Mighty 100
Execute For The Flag 50
Hidden Files 150
Brute Force 100
Emulation 50


CTF Scoreboard Achiever

Congratulations on making it onto the scoreboard. We are awarding you the crown award for your efforts ! Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter and make sure you stay tuned on more challenges to come ! https://www.linkedin.com/company/exploitsecurityio/ https://twitter.com/3xploit5ecurit7